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Search, browse, play, navigate books and articles, adjust volume, and more with your voice alone.
Try Sonnar Library Player now!
And get access to over 12,000 free audio books
With COVID making easy online access to reading material more important than ever, we are offering Sonnar Player for free to eligible users till 30 July 2020.
Through this free Player, you can search and play public domain books, recorded by LibriVox. While it won’t provide newer titles, there are plenty of golden classics to dig into. For a full list of books available, please check out LibriVox’s website. If you want to see more books made available to you through Sonnar Library, reach out to your accessible reading services and ask them to contribute their books during this time.
How To Get Started
If you have a verifiable print disability (like vision loss, dyslexia), you may be eligible to use Sonnar Library. Contact your membership organization to provide Sonnar a verification of your print disability.
As an organization that provides accessible reading services to people with print disabilities, contact us directly and we will provide you with an online tool to manage eligible users.

Amazon Alexa
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Google Assistant
Enable Sonnar Library Action on you Google Home app

Bixby Assistant
Enable Sonnar Library on compatible Samsung devices

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Web Player
Access Sonnar Library through a Web browser

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